LONG BEFORE, it becomes necessary or imperative, PENETRON INTERNATIONAL invested in research and development of raw materials and products that respect the environment, labor personnel of production, and application teams at projects. For many years, PENETRON’s waterproofing and crystals growth products are certified under prism of high global standards, while by time they earn “green” discriminations (Green Label, Potable Water Certification, LEED, Public Hygiene, Free VOC Technologies and many others).
Today, the main products of our range are completely aligned with the necessary procedures and certifications and, a great effort is spent from our company, so other secondary or our supplementary products to become more friendly to the user, but also the environment. Removing or large reduction in rates of solvents or irritating ingredients and raw materials, is the daily program and in the targets of our company’s scientific personnel.A better future for all of us, in an environment that will be protected and improving working conditions, are a contract of honor for PENETRON and key features in the objectives and visions.